Employer Solutions

Recruiting to fill positions or strengthen teams can be a daunting task.  We offer a services so you can offload these tasks and focus on other day to day activities.  We have platforms, algorithms, and a dedicated team to vet the right candidates for your team.


Call us now @ 617-681-8622 or fill out your information below and we will reach out.

Employer Solutions

Recruiting to fill positions or strengthen teams can be a daunting task.  We offer a services so you can offload these tasks and focus on other day to day activities.  We have platforms, algorithms, and a dedicated team to vet the right candidates for your team.


Direct Hire

You can quickly acquire the right candidate for your organization by using our hiring solutions. We utilize technology to compile athletic backgrounds and translate them into a profile to fit the position you need to fill. Less time. More money saved. Better fit.


Recruiting Platform

Use our platform to attract candidates to your company or hunt for the perfect athlete for your team. You will get your own page so you can receive leads directly.  You will also have access to the athlete platform to recruit as many employees as you need.

Start With A Free 15 Minute Call

High-Level Characteristics

To build successful teams we focus on high level characteristics.  These characteristics produce the greatest return.  College athletes are groomed and have these characteristics ingrained in their daily performance. 

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    Independent Thinkers

    Athletes are independent thinkers they also possess the ability to be coached. 

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    Integrity | Character

    Integrity and character are paramount to an athletes success and career. 

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    Pursuit of Excellence

    Athletes know pursue excellence in all of their pursuits. 

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    Athletes take responsibility for their actions and the outcomes around them. 

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    Athletes take initiative.  The are also able to put themselves aside and look at the big picture. 

Connect With Us

Talk to us about hiring college athletes at your company.

Team Building & Leadership

Microaggressions Are Very Real

Snapshot: Be on the lookout for microaggressions. Know how to spot microaggressions and learn how to stand up for yourself, or someone else, when experiencing this type of discriminatory, derogatory behavior.   Microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily action that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward minority groups including people of…

Equal Pay For Women: Let’s Start with the UWNT

Snapshot: In March 2019 the USWNT filed a class-action lawsuit (Annalise Keating Style) equal pay for the women’s team. The US Soccer Federation released a report showing that from 2016-2018 the women’s events brought in $50.8 million, where the men’s only brought in $49.9 million. Players on the USWNT are paid a quarter of what…

Establish A Growth Mindset For Individual And Team Success

Snapshot: Growth mindset and fixed mindset manifest at an early age and and impact the quality of life. A fixed mind sets assumes character, intelligence, and creative ability are set and cannot be changed. A growth mindset believes that intelligence and talent can grow with time and experience. Hire growth mindset employees, they will take…

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