
Microaggressions Are Very Real

Snapshot: Be on the lookout for microaggressions. Know how to spot microaggressions and learn how to stand up for yourself, or someone else, when experiencing this type of discriminatory, derogatory behavior.   Microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily action that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward minority groups including people of…

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Thank You USWNT: For fighting on and off the field.

Not only are the players on the USWNT fiercely competitive, but they are role models on and off the field. They are an embodiment of American pride shining a ray of light in a tumultuous time in American politics. Rapinoe and the USWNT are as strong on and off the field. This team drew a…

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Grit & Self-Control: The key to success

Snapshot: Grit & self-contral are strong contributors to success. College athletes have had four years to exercise self-control and grit in a way that most people have not had the opportunity to practice. Put college athletes in you company where their dedication, ability to stay focused, and the unwillingness to give up boosts productivity within…

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Employee Loyalty: Act Like A Division 1 Coach

Snapshot: If you are having trouble retaining employees this is likely a leadership problem withing your organization. In order increase employee loyalty you can create an environment similar to that of a Division I coach in college athletics.   There is a five step formula to achieve employee loyalty.  Is employee loyalty a thing of the…

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