Leveling The Playing Field
About Us
DivisionPrima is a platform connects college athletes with companies that support and benefit woment. The platform allows athletes to find jobs and companies to improve hiring decisions, retention, and increase teamwork by recruiting college athletes that possess the leadership skills, work ethic, and commitment necessary to make a direct and profitable impact on your organization.
DivisionPrima bridges the gap between college athlete and employer. Athletes have a skill-set (leadership, perseverance, dedication, time-management) that makes them great employees but they miss out on traditional resume builders and career opportunities due to their commitment. Companies have various recruiting problems whether it is finding the right talent, retaining talent, or lack of team leadership. We provide a variety of services that allow companies to make great hires and college athletes find employment.
DivisionPrima was founded by former Division 1 athletes who saw a need to provide a space for college athletes to find jobs and help employers hire great talent.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide college athletes with job opportunities with women-led/women-benefit companies. College athletes have significant leadership and teambuilding skills that benefit business but are often underserved due to the commitment their sport requires. Our goal is to take the burden of finding a job at an off the athlete so their efforts are utilized growing businesses while generating more income equality and awareness for women.

Our Values